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Ron Krit


Make 2024 your best year!!! Whether you want a new job, new body, new relationship, or simply want to read more, it’s easier to accomplish those goals with a plan. Below is my goal-setting blueprint. Grab some paper and get ready for the best year of your life!!!

  • Write it down: What do you want to achieve? Be as specific as possible, whether it’s finding a new job, getting in better shape, or being a better husband, wife, employee… The more details you list the better. Like I want to lose 15 pounds, have less joint pain, sleep better, and have more energy throughout the day.

  • The plan: BHAGs (big hairy audacious goals) are more easily obtained with a plan. Write down how you are going to achieve this awesome feat, who will help you, and what steps you are going to take. Plan contingencies, like if you want to run a marathon and it’s raining when you have a 15 miler, find a track, use a friend's treadmill, or map out an alternate indoor route. And research if there’s technology that can aid you, like a tool to track your progress.

  • List your helpers: It’s important to know who is going to hold you accountable, offer you advice, and who will help motivate you. This can be several people. Make sure you tell them - they are your supporters.

  • Create a mantra: I know some of you might think this is a little too much, but positive self-talk is powerful. This can be simple, “I’m going to be fit and fabulous.” And repeat this in the morning, throughout the day, and when self-doubt creeps in - you repeat it.

  • Squash doubt: Self-doubt and naysayers are part of life. That little voice that creeps into your head, whispering negative things, answer back with positivity. If someone tells you your goal is stupid, unattainable, or “that’s not you,” here are a few tips:

·        Respond, “This is what I’m doing. I would love your support.” or,

·        Use humor, “Thanks for your vote of confidence.”

·        And if they cannot get on board, ignore them.

  • Celebrate successes: Each small achievement is a step toward your larger goal. Did you stick to your meal plan today? Give yourself a pat on the back. Completed a difficult workout? Celebrate it! Acknowledge and reward the progress, no matter how small. This positive reinforcement will build momentum and keep you motivated.

  • Reflect and adjust: Regularly take stock of your progress. What’s working? What isn’t? Maybe you need to tweak your plan or set a new mini-goal. Life is unpredictable, and flexibility is key to sustained progress. Don’t be too hard on yourself for setbacks; view them as opportunities to learn and grow.

  • Picture the end result: Visualization is a powerful tool. Regularly imagine yourself achieving your goal. What does it look like? How does it feel? This will help keep your eye on the prize and make the goal seem more tangible and achievable.

Remember, 2024 is your canvas! Paint a picture of the year that fills you with pride and happiness. Here's to a successful, fulfilling year!

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