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Ron Krit

Routines: Your Secret Weapon for Success

There is an endless sea of books about fitness, productivity, habit formation, and boosting willpower. I've been there, devouring every word. What I've noticed in both personal and professional transformations is a golden thread: consistency. Those reaping the rewards have one thing in common – they've crafted systems that click with their lives. And you can do the same!

I'm here to hand you a blueprint to smash your goals. Sure, this might sound like a cheesy infomercial, especially when I say "it's all free." But there's a catch – you've got to put these plans into action ( yes, I'm available for hire, but that's not a must).

You're already a pro at routines (think brushing teeth, laundry, dishwasher loading), proving you can be a habit-forming hero. Now, expand this prowess to other areas!

Step 1: Review & Schedule 

What's your daily rhythm? When do you wake up, and when’s bedtime? What's already penciled in your schedule? For me, it varies with my kids' activities. That's why I hit the gym in the morning and squeeze in a lunchtime stroll if time allows. The best time to exercise, write that book, learn AI… is whenever you'll actually do it. When I commuted, lunchtime workouts were my jam. I loved the post-exercise energy boost, powering through work. What else to schedule? It hinges on your goals. My day includes time for business development, project work, email follow-ups, and handling expenses. Without this blocked time, my day mysteriously fills up, leaving me less productive. This step is simple, and the cornerstone of a successful day.

Step 2: Prep for success

Let's use getting in shape as an example. Here are three quick health prep tips, to make achieving your goals easier:

  1. Stock up on fruits and veggies. Explore new ones weekly. Fresh or frozen – both are great. After shopping, clean, chop, and containerize (yes that’s an actual word) for convenience.

  2. Meal Prep: If a chef or nutritionist isn't in the cards, fear not. Thanks to Google and social media, there are treasure troves of recipes and tips. A little prep, like chopping veggies on Sunday, makes weekday cooking a breeze.

  3. Exercise: Plan your workouts using online resources or social media. If you're starting out and can afford it, consider a trainer for proper form. You've got a plethora of tools to choose from – bodyweight exercises, weights, machines, bands... Additional prep includes buying equipment or joining a gym and following a simple program. I had a client use the seven-minute workout app and really like it. I mean who doesn’t have 7 minutes?

Step 3: Accountability

At the office, accountability is baked in. Apply this to your personal goals. Find a buddy, join a group, or use digital tools for tracking. Jot down your goals with deadlines and post them somewhere they are easy to see.

And do not forget to minimize distractions! Whether it’s deleting the game on your phone you can’t stop playing, turning off notifications, or closing your door, figure out how to limit interruptions. Tell your partner, kids, colleagues that during this time frame you are working on your goals!

Step 4: Celebrate Success

A spa day or a treat is fantastic, but even a social media shout-out works wonders. Celebrate small successes and the big ones.

Step 5: Self Talk

The way you perceive and talk about yourself is crucial. I had a client who branded herself as the "fat one" in her family. We worked to flip that to "I'm the fit one." This might sound silly, but there’s science to back this up, boost yourself with positive affirmations:

  • "I got this!"

  • "I can do it!"

  • "I am a beast!" (personal favorite)


Embracing routines sets the stage for success, yet it's vital to remember that adaptability is equally important. Life, with its unexpected twists and turns, may occasionally disrupt your plans. Skipping a workout or postponing a task for a day or two doesn't spell failure. The real victory lies in maintaining steady progress over time, not in flawless execution every day. If you find yourself swamped or struggling to keep up, it's okay to reassess and recalibrate. Consider adjusting your goals to more manageable levels or asking for help.

By integrating these steps into your life, you’re not just planning for temporary change, but gearing up for a profound and lasting transformation!

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