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  • Ron Krit

I Made It! One Year in Business and Counting 🎉

I Made It! One Year in Business and Counting 🎉

Starting your own business is exhilarating...and terrifying. Especially when you have a family, risk-averse, and nearly everyone around you is telling you to “just get a job.”

But I’ve always been drawn to entrepreneurship. There’s something about it that feels like solving a puzzle—how do you get paid to do what you love? Over the past year, I’ve volunteered, I’ve accidentally volunteered, and I’ve undercharged more than a few times. It’s all part of the learning curve, and I’m still figuring out the right balance.

Having spent years on the other side, I’ve hired consultants for major projects, and it always seemed so subjective. You get quotes ranging from $20K to $80K for the same job! My advice to colleagues was always:

  • What does your gut tell you?

  • Can they match the cheaper quote or come close?

  • Who do you know that’s worked with them in a similar capacity?

  • Do they listen well?

Now that I’m on this side of the table, my advice has evolved a bit: hire me 😉. But honestly, the key is still to hire someone who listens, takes feedback, and becomes a true partner. That’s what I strive to do in every project.

How It All Started

When I launched my business, I had amazing conversations with Jewish organizations about planned giving and endowments. I thought, “This is going to be easy.” After nearly 20 years in the space, people were already using the word consultants dream of: “retainer.”

Then October 7th happened. The war in Israel put everything on hold. My contacts were understandably focused on far more important things. As a proud Jew, I hope for peace and the safe return of the hostages. From a business standpoint, I had to pivot (yes, the overused pivot) and explore other opportunities.

I joined networking groups, went to events, and reached out to friends and former colleagues. Slowly, things started moving! One colleague introduced me to a senior living home looking to grow its fundraising and endowment campaigns, and another asked if I’d coach her. Both projects felt natural.  Working with the senior living home was an amazing experience, and coaching has always been something I’ve enjoyed. After almost 25 years of fitness coaching/training, the transition felt seamless.

The Reality of Networking

Networking can be a grind. You walk into a room not knowing if the people there can—or even want to—help you. Often, it’s not the person you’re speaking to directly but their connections, or even their connections’ connections, that lead to opportunities. In truth, much of my business has come from people I’ve known for years, and I’m deeply grateful for their support.

That said, I believe in making networking a two-way street. I’m always introducing people, sharing ideas, and connecting others with opportunities. When done right, networking is mutually beneficial, and I’ve met some incredible people who’ve generously offered their time, ideas, and networks.

Of course, not everyone is going to be helpful. Some people will ghost you after a meeting or two, proposals will go ignored, and calls and emails will remain unanswered. And that’s okay. I’m learning to let the rejections roll off and focus on the positives. The people who take the time to give feedback—even if they don’t hire me—are invaluable, and I always grow from those conversations.

What’s Next: Leaders and Culture

While I’ve been working on fundraising projects, I’ve been hearing the same thing over and over: organizations are struggling with leadership, professionalism, and collaboration. The need for strong management has never been greater. Boomers are retiring, and younger generations are stepping into leadership roles without enough training.

That’s why I’m launching Leaders and Culture. I’m not stepping away from fundraising—I’m just adding to it! Early in my career, I spent countless hours training people in customer service, marketing, sales, and soft skills. These skills are more important than ever, especially in a post-COVID world where many people don’t know how to show up at work. There’s a real need, and I’m excited to help fill that gap.

Final Thoughts: Gratitude, Growth, and What's Ahead

This past year has been a rollercoaster, and I wouldn’t trade any of it. I’m so grateful for the amazing people I’ve met, the projects I’ve worked on, and the lessons learned. To everyone who has made a connection, shared, reposted, or spread the word—thank you! Your support has been invaluable.

Whether it's transforming planned giving, developing leaders, or putting the FUN back in fundraising, I'm here for it all.

Here's to another year of pushing boundaries, creating lasting impact, and having a blast while doing it! 🚀

What about you? What's your biggest professional goal for the coming year? Drop it in the comments—let's make it happen together!

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