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Ron Krit

Confident like Kobe

For the record, I'm a bigger fan of Michael Jordan, but this title just seemed to click. I also believe Kobe Bryant was the epitome of confidence, something that's beneficial both on and off the court (and in the office, boardroom…). If you're grappling with a crisis of confidence, or simply in need of a boost, here are some techniques to strengthen your self-esteem.

Confidence Builders:

  1. Build a Highlight Reel: Compile a list of ten accomplishments. Reflect on moments you’re proud of, like getting into your dream college, traveling to Europe, having a child, baking the perfect cookie (definitely on my list), or completing a 5K. Have this list handy before big meetings, interviews, or whenever you're feeling low.

  2. Preparation: As parents, coaches, and teachers say, "practice makes perfect". Preparing for a presentation? Rehearse it a few times, seek feedback from colleagues or friends. Each run-through boosts your confidence. Starting a new job or project? Dive in and become an expert. YouTube and tools like ChatGPT are amazing for learning almost anything.

  3. Positive Thinking: It might sound cliché, but positive self-talk, mantras, and affirmations reinforce self-esteem. Conversely, negative thinking can undermine it. When you doubt yourself, pause and say, “I got this!”

  4. Pump up the Volume: Music powerfully influences mood. Before big moments or when you’re feeling down, listen to songs and artists that energize you.

  5. Welcome Failure: Instead of viewing failure as a setback, see it as a learning opportunity. Remember, everyone fails at some point. The ability to bounce back builds resilience, which is crucial for confidence.

  6. Find Fans: Extending the sports metaphor – surround yourself with a supportive crew. Spend time with people who encourage and believe in you. When I'm down, I have a go-to list of people for inspiration. And I tell them I’m calling because I need a boost.

  7. Set Goals: Setting and achieving realistic goals feels great! Even if you miss the target, it builds character and confidence. Celebrate these successes and add them to your list of accomplishments.

If all else fails, consider a haircut or dressing in your confident clothes! Ever noticed the buzz around hair salons on Saturdays? It's selfie central. Post-haircut, my kids come home posing like super models, beaming with confidence. Feeling good about your appearance enhances your overall confidence. Before a big meeting, I often wear a particular pink button-down shirt. I can't explain it, but when I wear it, I feel strong.

I'd love to hear your confidence-boosting tips. Please share in the comments what works for you!

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