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  • Ron Krit

Brian Floriani: Founder, Golfer, Dancer and Much More!

Founders & Philanthropists 

Issue One 

Brian Floriani: Founder, Golfer, Dancer and Much More!

Brian Floriani is unapologetically passionate, honest, spirit-led, and hilarious. He founded Bernie’s Book Bank, an amazing nonprofit in Lake Bluff which has provided over 25 million books to children in low-income Chicagoland neighborhoods since December 2009. The organization also offers rare volunteer opportunities for both adults and children – all ages and abilities. During a recent tour, I was fortunate to see a group of adults with developmental disabilities sorting books, their faces beaming with joy - a sight Brian strives for all volunteers to experience. The Book Bank has even created cool sticker machines and competitions to ensure that volunteering is both meaningful and fun for kids and adults alike.

The sprawling, and surprisingly clean, warehouse also doubles as an entertainment space for events, from weddings to Mitzvahs, transforming into a fantastic party venue.

Additionally, Brian founded Freadom Promotions, a marketing promotional company that donates 100% of its profits to literacy charities throughout America. His formidable team includes his wife, Christy. Freadom Promotions aims to raise funds for literacy nonprofits, including Bernie’s Book Bank and several others.

The Early Days

To understand how Brian built Bernie’s Book Bank on credit card debt, determination, and compassion, look no further than his family background. His grandfather, an Italian immigrant and coal miner in Western Pennsylvania for 51 years, worked tirelessly in a home without running water. Watching his grandfather and others work so hard instilled a strong work ethic in Brian. Speaking of his grandfather, he said, “All I saw was hard work, strong hands, and a big smile.”

Brian’s father, Bernie, the inspiration behind Bernie’s Book Bank, was a remarkable educator and father. He earned his bachelor's, master's, and doctorate degrees in reading education. During trips back to Pennsylvania, Bernie would take Brian to where the outhouse once stood (the only bathroom they had) and remind him, “This is where you came from.” Humility is a trait Brian still carries, even as Bernie’s Book Bank has distributed over 25 million books.

Following his father's unexpected death, Brian, then a golf professional, realized he wasn’t pursuing a life of significance. Bernie’s passing served as a catalyst for change, leading Brian to pursue a career as an elementary school educator in an under-resourced community. Through his experience as a reading para-professional, He began to understand what his father always believed; reading is the single most important skill kids need and quality book ownership is essential to this journey.  Working in low-income areas, he saw firsthand the lack of access to books at home, inspiring the birth of Bernie’s Book Bank. Which began in his garage.

Growing the Business

Brian was astounded by the generosity of early donors. “I’m not from here, and I’m asking these families in Lake Forest for donations. I was blown away. I even told a generous family, ‘You know I have no idea what I’m doing,’ and she wrote the check anyway.”

The donor replied, “I know you will run through a brick wall to get this done.” She recognized that while expertise is valuable, drive is essential, and Brian has it in spades.

In the beginning, Brian delivered books to schools while also leading pep rallies encouraging children to collect books for children who otherwise wouldn’t own them. He promised to do the worm across the gym floor if they collected a certain number of books. True to his word, he would fulfill this promise, much to the delight of the students.

Surprisingly, word of Brian’s dancing reached his donors. “I was meeting with one of our largest donors who was willing to make another big gift but had one condition. She looked me square in the eyes and said, ‘we’ll provide another round of funding, but stop doing the worm and start playing more golf.'”

Agreeing, Brian began playing golf with donors and prospects, finding it an excellent way to fundraise and build relationships. “No one wants a five-hour cup of coffee, but it’s a different story on the golf course,” he says with a sincere smile.

Fundraising comes naturally to Brian, backed by compelling stories and impressive numbers. Since 2009, Bernie’s has donated over 25 million books! “I walk into classrooms and see kids excited and smiling, eager to start reading,” he says, shaking his head in disbelief.

Secrets to Success

With a serious tone, Brian shares, “I’m not gifted. I don’t have a specific special talent, so I have to do all the other simple things well.” He admits that being passionate, driven, and hardworking helps, but believes it's the little things that make the biggest difference.

Brian elaborates on these little things, “You have to call people back, and do it in a timely manner. Being responsive matters. Write thank you notes, be authentic and vulnerable. Listen more than you talk.” Pausing, he adds, “And believe in yourself. If you don’t, no one will.”

What’s Next?

Distributing millions of books only fuels Brian’s energy. “We are just getting started! I have never been more pumped about our work and the potential impact as we grow! What we do matters. The cure for ALS and much more is somewhere inside every child, and if they don’t have access to books, literacy, and a meaningful education, we all miss out.”

His mention of ALS isn't random. He cared for his brother who suffered from the disease, adding more fuel to his fire. “We want to take this model and spread it across the country, every major American city where we are needed and welcomed. We are already working on Milwaukee,” he shares.

Brian loves the grind of building something and is ready for the next chapter of his adventure.

Donate, volunteer, or rent the space! For more information, visit Bernie's Book Bank.

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